The Services We Provide

A. Louie Associates Ltd (“A. Louie”) is a leading risk management and crisis solutions consultancy, and China business strategy firm. We offer complete strategic and implementable solutions to help clients mitigate their business risks and achieve their goals in the China market.

Corporate business protection begins with knowledge of the market and operating business environment, the competition, people we have to deal with and the rules of the game. Knowledge of essential matters and timely business intelligence are key to making informed decisions. We provide comprehensive and accurate business intelligence on all crucial matters clients need to know to make an informed decision before committing themselves to any intended transaction. We support clients with rational analysis of the intelligence gathered and constructive strategic advice taking into consideration the Chinese business environment and cultural context. We know the China market and continuously keep pace with the developments and changes that have significant impact on the economy and business climate, and are ideally qualified to advise on China business strategies to help clients achieve their business goals.

We act for clients worldwide who are new entrants to the China market, as well as those already doing business in the country. We help clients seeking collaborative ventures with local partners to identify qualified and suitable parties. When clients engage us on the hiring of key personnel, we undertake full-scale background screening and evaluation of the personal and professional integrity, and competency of the individuals. We provide confidential and discreet background vetting of potential partners, business agents, suppliers, distributors, retailers and others. We perform in-depth due diligence on the competition, determine the veracity of allegations of fact or misrepresentations of fact, or unearth non-disclosure of material facts.

We are often engaged in contractual disputes or “conflict” situations and conduct exhaustive timely and accurate intelligence on all relevant and consequential matters that have a major effect on the conclusion of the dispute or conflict. Such enhanced due diligence includes wide-ranging background checks on the character, business activities, reputation and financial resources of key individuals, and in the case of corporations, financial intelligence, corporate activities, history of litigation & contractual disputes, transgressions of the law, and scrutinizing the background of its principal officers.

Many of our clients are involved in mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures and other forms of business relationships. Our clients include multinational corporations (MNC), global financial institutions, international law firms & accounting firms, investment banks, hedge funds, private equity firms and major American, European and Japanese companies.